Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Examining Diabetes

Saleh Alzayid
Qatif, Saudi Arabia

Imagine being stuck in labyrinth filled with wild animals and there is only one way to get off there, but you must sacrifice some of your own! This labyrinth was an example of diabetes disease and wild animal was the following diseases which coming with in short term. So, what is diabetes? Many people who are curious about medical problems want to have good knowledge about it.

Diabetes is an illness where the pancreas loses its balance and is not able to make enough insulin for blood. It is classified such as complex disease which has many different forms such as type 1 and type 2. You might have concern about some facts about this kind of disease which spiriting up around the world in a scary way. Indeed, there are many negatives to consider, including mental health, heart disease and other physical problems.

There are many mental health problems, which are called psychiatric disorders, people can have as a result of diabetes. For example, it alters peoples’ moods. When blood glucoses are high for an extended period of time they may feel more thirsty and have headache. As a result of these issues patent’s mind sent single signal to that part making circle connection between them ending of change the person behavior.

According to BDI (n.d.)”Depression is like a black hole. It can take the joy out of life, drain your energy and motivation, and cause you to feel hopeless and worthless. Even worse, depression can make the tasks required to manage diabetes seem much more difficult and, therefore, may seriously hurt your long-term health”.(Behavioral Diabetes Institute, newsletter).

However, behavior changes, which lead to violent as an usual, might effect person social life and his family. Another mental health concern is that it causes depression. Diabetes reduces or destroys facilities of being in good mood because patients have to look after themselves daily. Also, our lives are full with challenges. For example, food advertisement that spiriting everywhere, therefore, people with diabetes have to be careful with food.

That case affects patients emotionally which might make mental problems. As a result of mental health problems, being in stress or depression is not helpful for whom might care about their situation by checking their blood sugar levels whether it is high or normal.
Another effect of having diabetes is having heart problems. Why are heart problems more common for people who are living with diabetes? According to N.N. Ladhani,”
Cardiovascular disease is a major source of morbidity and accounts for over 60% of deaths in people with diabetes. Compared with those without diabetes, people with diabetes are up to three times likely to have a major cardiovascular event” (Ladhani, 2012, March 30).

In other words, people with diabetes could have a chance of heart attack three times more than the healthy people. What is the fact of this health problem? Diabetes or high blood sugar with the time make high glucose in the blood can block or damage the arteries that leading to heart diseases eventually. Therefore, the heart will not be able to deliver the blood normally and would lead to heart attack.

Persistently high blood glucose levels can increase your risk of developing other health issues such nerve which is related to physical problems. This problem can be cure easier than the others. However, it could lead to serious complications, such as sensory diabetic neuropathy and amputation. An advance level or uncontrollable diabetes could damage main nerves of feet, and if it is damaged the person will have less sensitive about small action such as small cuts.

According to the Global Diabetes Community (2014)” The effects of diabetes on the nerves can be serious as the nerves are involved in so many of our bodily functions, from movement and digestion through to sex and reproduction.”(diabetes.co.uk). As a result, inflammation which cause by these cuts can lead to worse situation if not treat too fast. Infections that come from wounds would have been more dangerous for those who have diabetes.

I believe that there are many steps government can do by making step forward to keep numbers of diabetic patients or reduce them in best strategy. For example: include diabetes and other side effects topics into education system and ban some advertisements for some companies. I wish they would make changes soon or did like what they did with tobacco companies.

They force them to pay medical treatment and surgery fee, this step made those companies put obvious warning into their product and advertisements. Furthermore, I believe that people could make change in their life if government had made it more matter.

In conclusion, this kind of illness, which is knowing by negative side effects, is still increasing and spiriting in welfare communities more than others.


1) Behavioral Diabetes Institute. (n.d). Breaking free from depression and diabetes: 10 things you need to know and do. Retrieved from http://www.behavioraldiabetesinstitute.org/resources/print

2) Ladhani, N. N., Majumdar, S. R., Johnson, J. A. (2012, March 30). Adding pharmacists
to primary care teams reduces predicted long-term risk of cardiovascular events
in Type 2 diabetic patients without established cardiovascular disease: results
from a randomized trial. Retrieved from http://auraria.summon.serialssolutions.com

3) The Global Diabetes Community. (2014). Long term effects of diabetes on the body. Retrieved from http://www.diabetes.co.uk/how-does-diabetes-affect-the body.html

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